‘Growponics Kosova’ is established as a partnership (50:50) between Growponics Technology Israel and Bio Bahce Kosova.
‘Growponics Kosova’ initial project is the establishment of the greenhouse for vegetable production in Kosovo. The first phase includes the establishment of a cherry tomato hydroponic greenhouse in the area of 2.1 Hectare. The total area of the initial project is 10 Hectare which will be utilised for hydroponic production of tomato varieties and leafy greens, with a possibility of expansion to other vegetables.
Genc Meraku, Managing Partner
Location of the project is in the area called “Butsina e Begut”, Village of Korenica, Municipality of Gjakova, Kosova.
‘Grow Ponics Kosova’ has been recently approved as Strategic Investors from the Government of Kosova. The status of strategic investor was realised as the project is considered as priority for economic and social development, employment and implementation of new technologies and increase of competitive economic capabilities of Kosova.
Prime Minister Strategic Investor Approval
Në takim me ministrin Endrit Shala dhe kryetarin e komunës së Gjakovës, Ardian Gjini u shpalos një tjetër projekt i…
פורסם על ידי Ramush Haradinaj ב- יום חמישי, 7 בפברואר 2019