As Published in the HortiDaily.

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Growponics Greenhouse Technologies General Manager Harun Malkoclar spoke to the press about its company’s current production and achievements. The company has invested 1 million USD in Ovacik district of Izmir for hydroponic production and the project had started in a 4.500 square meter greenhouse. The goal of the project is to develop growing of vegetables through hydroponic production and to lower Turkish vegetable imports. Harun Malkoclar, a chemical engineer, has started the company after reading about lettuce production in water without any soil.

The company uses deep water culture method in its production which is arguably the most advanced production method currently available. The company also designs greenhouses specifically for hydroponic production where growers can receive products every month of the year. The climate parameters in the greenhouse such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, light, humidity, and temperature are all measured automatically n regular intervals. Currently, the company grows all varieties of lettuce, spinach, oregano, basil, arugula, and parsley. Another benefit of hydroponic production is that there is no need to use chemicals so the production is organic. Furthermore, solar energy and biofuel are used in hydroponic greenhouses which not only allows the company to reduce production costs but also is environmentally friendly.

The technical equipment was imported from abroad and Growponics hold 50 % of the company’s shares. Another 5.000 square meter greenhouse is under construction at the moment.

Source: Hurriyet

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